About the Forum
Speak at the Forum
Share insights and grow professionally.

Sal Huerta, NetPricer.net,
speaks at a breakout session
Are you looking for an opportunity to engage trading partners and build meaningful relationships in 2012? As a presenter at the IDEA E-Biz Forum, you will have the opportunity to share your eBusiness experiences, fresh approaches, challenges and successes with your industry peers. At the Forum, you'll network with fellow professionals, as well as benefit from the educational and professional development opportunities. Contribute as an industry leader and share your unique perspectives to ignite discussions and move eBusiness initiatives forward in the electrical industry.
Why Speak at the E-Biz Forum?
Promote yourself and your company as thought leaders in front of decision-makers in the electrical industry. You will interact with an appreciative audience of engaged B2B professionals ready to apply your insights to meet their daily challenges/opportunities. Additional benefits:
- Position your company as a thought leader
- Professional career development
- Complimentary registration (a $675 value) which includes access to all conference activities, scheduled meals, social functions and conference program materials
Potential Topics for 2012
The 2012 theme is "Reunite. Rethink. Recharge.” and we’re looking for speakers who can bring this theme to life. Here are some topics requested by 2011 attendees:
- Business strategies and organizational anecdotes for integrating social and mobile technologies into digital marketing
- Success stories/examples of how distributors are utilizing and leveraging manufacturer product information including marketing content and attributes
- Trading partner relationships that work – how manufacturers, distributors and retailers are communicating effectively to meet shared goals and objectives
- Organizational solutions for adopting and implementing the Data Management Platform (DMP) from distributor and manufacturer perspectives
- Utilizing eBusiness to accomplish green and sustainability alternatives for your business
- How to prepare your data for building information modeling (BIM)
- Strategies to generate internal buy-in of and support for data sync initiatives
- Industry trends and best practices for eCommerce, EDI and data sync
- Optimizing your eCatalog/web storefront with the product information your customers are searching for and need to make purchasing decisions
- How to prioritize your product data clean-up/integration initiatives
Submission Guidelines
Please submit an abstract in English, of the topic title, objectives, and summary of the presentation. Event seminar presentations should be 45 or 50 minutes long. Please note: presentations must be educational in nature and should not include “sales/marketing pitches”. We encourage speakers to prepare and present original material. The Forum committee will carefully review all abstracts.
Become a speaker prospect now - email your speaker submission form to the or fax it to .
Key Deadlines
2011 Speaker Submission Forms due: March 5, 2012
Acceptance Status Sent By: March 30, 2012
Completed Presentation Due: Friday, August 17, 2012
Other Ways to Participate
In addition to presenting a session, you can also serve as a panelist during one of our general session panel discussions, receive maximum visibility as a corporate sponsor and participate as an exhibitor in the Tech Center.